Team Deacon

Our People

What is a deacon?

The exact nature and duties of the New Testament deacon are not systematically described anywhere in Scripture. The origin of the office is still being debated; however, the traditional view is that it had its beginning in the appointment of the seven
(Acts 6), although they are not specifically called deacons.26 This view is widely held because the seven were elected to serve (diakoneo) tables (6:3), and were instructed to serve as deacons (1 Tim. 3:10, diakoneo). Their
ministry was intended to aid the apostles by taking care of some of the physical needs of the congregation. Otherwise the apostles would have to “lay down the word of God” in order to serve tables (Acts 6:2).

The close connection of the qualifications for deacons and the qualifications of pastor-elders in 1 Timothy 3 also suggests the same arrangement. The deacons were to assist the elders (who replaced the apostles as the spiritual leaders of the church)
with the physical needs of the church.

The qualifications in 1 Timothy imply this supporting role for deacons in two ways. Deacons are not required to have the “ability to teach,” although this does not preclude them from doing so. At least two of the seven in Acts, Stephen and Philip, were
very active in preaching and evangelism (Acts 7-8). In addition, the qualifications are not quite as rigorous for deacons as they are for pastor-elders.

Clement Walker
Carl Ellis
Daniel Collins
George Morris
Simonnet Barry
Vincent Nelson

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